The photographers – the story behind

by | Feb 11, 2024

2018 I felt the need for new challenges in my photography, so I enlisted for a workshop. Summer 2019 I went to the Shetlands for a 5 day workshop with Mats Andersson and some fellow photographers.

It turned into an exciting week where my ideas about image creation was challenged and I found new ways of creating. Shetland was an exciting environment, seemingly created for a landscape photographer. The workshop and the discussions with the other participants gave lots of inspiration, but also some new tools for my toolbox. I had done some black and white photography before, but now I found new ways of getting the images I wanted.

One of the challenges of the week was to submit two images for a mini competition and my image The photographers was appointed as the image of the trip! It’s a double exposure that I thought turned out really well and obviously I wasn’t alone in that. To get such a positive judgement about one of my images lead to submitting images into competitions and the result of that was also very positive, but that’s a different story.

The workshop also lead to thoughts about making a book and already during the workshop I decided to create what became In the twilight zone.


The photographers has been shown at a number of my exhibitions. It has always been very appreciated, but so far no one has bought a copy. That change today though, when I delivered it to a customer who has kept his eyes on it for some time. He bought it to celebrate the start of his new company which seems very suitable, given that to me it represents the start of new image creation, photo competitions and the foundation of my book.

Images from Shetland

A selection of images created during the workshop.